The Section of Sawing Technology provide education and research in the area of wood sawing technologies:
- new technical and technological projection of objects and reconstructions of:
- timber yard
- sawmill
- dimension timber plant
- expertise at the appraisal of qualitative - quantitative properties of raw wood and sawmill products
- advisory services at the appraisal of sawmill production effective
- development of new components based on glued wood with offer on concrete application at area of wood constructions
The Section of Wood Drying and Hydrothermal Treatment of Wood provide education and research in the area of:
- groundings (theory) of wood drying
- natural drying
- artificial drying
- optimalization of technological wood drying process
- models of drying
- hydrothermal treatment of wood
- colour changes of wood
The Section of Wood Composite Materials provide education and research in the area of:
- technologies of production of wood composite materials
- decorative veneers
- plywood materials
- agglomerated materials
- combined wood and non-wood composite
- surface finishing with veneering and lamination
The department provides teaching and research in the following areas:
- Identification of types, degrees and ranges of wood damage in the interiors and exteriors by biological and abiotic factors
- Chemical and structural protection of wood, wood composites and wood structures against fungi, insects, weather and fire
- Development and tests of the efficiency of biocides for wood protection against fungi in mycological laboratory
- Development and tests of the efficiency of anti-weather coatings on wood in the exterior and Xenotest
- Design of technologies for chemical protection of wood
- Proposals for chemical and structural protection of wood and for the repair of damaged wooden structures
- Thermal, chemical and biological modification of wood
History of the Department
The university forestry studies in Slovakia were resumed at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava in 1939 by opening the branch of forestry and agricultural engineering with the department of forestry engineering. The Institute of Mechanical Technology of Wood was established within the department and one was aimed to processing of both wood and wood materials.
In 1952, the department was a baseline of the Faculty of Wood on the newly established University of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zvolen.
The Department was founded in the academic year 1955/56. A head of the Department was prof. Ing. Dr.h.c. Jozef Palovič, DrSc. from its establishment till 1985. After his retirement prof. Ing. Dionýz Horský was appointed a head of the Department. In the year 1992 prof. Ing. Anton Osvald, CSc. became a head of the Department. From 1997 to 2000, doc. Ing. Anna Šúriková was a head of the Department and nowadays doc. Ing. Ivan Klement is responsible for managing the Department.
In its educational and scientific and research activities the Department focuses on wood sawing technology, wood drying and hydrothermal treatment of wood, production technologies of composite materials (plywood, LVL, blockboard, particleboard, fiberboard, MDF, OSB, decorative veneers, etc.) and on the area of protection and modification of wood and wood products.